Casting a Wider Net
The academic class schedule follows the guidelines for pastoral diaconate formation laid out by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in its National Directory for the Formation, Ministry, and Life of Permanent Deacons in the United States of America. Like the National Directory, Neuhoff's diaconate formation program emphasizes the "deacon as a minister of Word, Liturgy, and Charity in the Christian community" (USCCB). The intellectual, spiritual, and pastoral formation that we provide is supplemented by each of the dioceses that we serve and is further supported by the Neuhoff Institute and the University of Dallas where needed.
All courses are taught by esteemed faculty from the University of Dallas Neuhoff Institute, Theology department, and from other partner dioceses and institutions across the United States. Most faculty, who hold an M.A. or Ph.D. in Theology or a related field, are not only researchers in the fields in which they teach, but practitioners, offering diaconate students the unique opportunity to learn from faculty who are actively ministering in the Church today.
Diaconate students can expect to encounter a robust program that allows for thoughtful reflection and rigorous learning of Church teaching and pastoral and spiritual practice. Students are guided through course materials through reading assignments, essays, and other practical projects that allow them to further engage materials in a unique and dynamic way. To learn more about the curriculum and program format, explore the example below and reach out to us if you have questions:
All courses are offered in both the English and Spanish languages.
Example of Intellectual Program Format
Year One
Semester I: Catechism I
Semester II: Catechism II, Intro to Scripture/The Torah, Intro to Philosophy I, and Vatican II
Year Two
Semester I: Church History I, Intro to Philosophy II, and Mariology
Semester II: Church History II, Fundamental Theology, and the Prophets
Year Three
Semester I: Christology, Mark's Gospel, and Sacramental Theology
Semester II: Christian Anthropology, Matthew's Gospel, and the Triune God
Year Four
Semester I: Ecclesiology, Luke-Acts, and Catholic Social Doctrine
Semester II: Canon Law I, Gospel of John, and Moral Theology
Year Five
Semester I: Canon Law II, Pauline Literature I, and Human Sexuality & Sexual Ethics
Semester II: Ecumenism & Interreligious Dialogue, Evangelization & Missiology, and Pauline Literature II
Ongoing Formation
In addition to accompanying men in being intellectually, spiritually, and pastorally formed for the diaconate, we offer many other courses and other opportunities for deacon to pursue as part of their ongoing formation. Our certificate programs, workshops and lectures allow for ordained deacons to continue their journeys of exploring a faith that is always "seeking understanding" and be pastorally formed to meet the needs of the faith communities in which they are called to serve. To find out more about these opportunities, please visit our certificate programs page.
Partner With Us

For more information on forming a partnership with the Neuhoff Institute or to inquire about how we may support your diaconate formation program, contact us at or call 972-721-4118.