
Retreats, Pilgrimages, and Missions

Jubilee for the Youth 2025

Campus Ministry is coordinating a pilgrimage to the Jubilee for the Youth in Rome.

Alternative Spring Break - Lake Charles

Alternative Spring Break (ASB) is an opportunity for students to use their Spring Break to serve those in need rather than themselves.

Spring Break Mission Trip - Calcutta, India

Spend your spring break in Calcutta, India working alongside the Missionaries of Charity.  Serving the poorest of the poor is an unforgettable experience.

Genesis Retreat - Freshmen/Transfer Students

All Freshmen and Transfer Students are invited to enjoy a weekend away with your new friends and prepare yourself spiritually for the year!

Winter Retreat - All undergraduate and graduate students

All undergraduate and graduate students are invited to enjoy a weekend away.  Attend as many times as you want, as each year the theme changes!

EXODUS Retreat - Seniors

In the craziness of exams, career decisions, and the logistics of family attending the various ceremonies, there is little time to stop and truly reflect upon the gift of a graduand's time at UD. This retreat is designed to be a brief oasis as seniors prepare for the final sprint to the finish line, a time to reflect upon the years at UD, the relationships formed, and the road that lies ahead.

External Retreats

UD is not the only place where our students can go on retreat.  Check out this page for more great opportunities.  Please note that UD, the Church of the Incarnation, and the Office of Campus Ministry do not officially endorse these retreats.