Our Mission

Our Mission

The University of Dallas is a Catholic institution of higher learning dedicated to the pursuit of wisdom, of truth, and of virtue as the proper and primary ends of education.

The UDallas College of Business embraces these ends with a distinctive commitment to a rigorous and relevant education that provides immediate applicability and lasting value in the business environment.  We view business as a vocation that is ordered to the betterment of society in keeping with the common good.

As a business school committed to the highest levels of excellence, we focus on cultivating leaders who strive to make a deep, positive, and lasting impact on the people, organizations, and society that they serve.  We draw deeply on the moral and ethical principles animating the Catholic intellectual tradition in engagement with other intellectual traditions.  In this way, we prepare business professionals to become principled and moral leaders who are ethical and effective decision-makers capable of leading in a variety of dynamic and complex environments.

To accomplish this purpose, we seek exceptional faculty and staff who embrace the mission of the University of Dallas. The Catholic Liberal Arts identity of the University informs our unique approach to business education and is reflected in the design of our curriculum. Our commitment to relevance is reflected in our faculty’s ongoing engagement in real world practices that support their teaching and research agendas. Our faculty emphasize teaching and learning and engage in basic, applied, and pedagogical research. 

At the undergraduate level, in accordance with the pursuit of liberal education, we build a foundation for the students' lifelong development of moral, intellectual, and professional capabilities.

At the master's level, we equip students with knowledge, skills and ethical principles essential to accomplish their professional objectives.

At the doctoral level, we equip experienced professionals with analytical and applied research skills to solve problems facing organizations and lead change ethically.