Classes in the Core
A faculty to student ratio of 10:1 and an average class size of 16 allow thoughtful, meaningful dialogue between students and professors, challenging you to develop critical thinking skills and push your intellectual capabilities to new heights.
Course | Name |
ENG 1301 | The Literary Tradition I |
ENG 1302 | The Literary Tradition II |
ENG 2311 | The Literary Tradition III (typically taken in Rome) |
ENG 2312 | The Literary Tradition IV |
Course | Name |
HIS 1311 | American Civilization I |
HIS 1312 | American Civilization II |
HIS 2301 | Western Civilization I (typically taken in Rome) |
HIS 2302 | Western Civilization II |
Course | Name |
PHI 1301 | Philosophy and the Ethical Life |
PHI 2323 | The Human Person (typically taken in Rome) |
PHI 3311 | Philosophy of Being |
Course | Name |
THE 1310 | Understanding the Bible |
THE 2311 | The Western Theological Tradition (typically taken in Rome) |
Course | Name |
ECON 1311 | Fundamentals of Economics |
Course | Name |
POL 1311 | Principles of American Politics |
Life Science Lecture
All students must take both a life science lecture course + laboratory course
Non-science majors are recommended to take a 2000-level lecture and laboratory course
Course |
Name |
BIO 1311 | Gen Bio I |
BIO 1312 | Gen Bio II |
BIO 2301 | Basic ideas of Biology |
BIO 2302 | Biotechnology |
BIO 2315 | Human Biology |
BIO 2317 | Disease and Society |
BIO 2318 | Forensic Biology |
BIO 2348 | Darwin |
BIO 2360 | Environmental Science |
BIO 2416 | Field Ecology |
BIO 3311 | Marine Biology |
Life Science Lab
All students must take both a life science lecture course + laboratory course
Non-science majors are recommended to take a 2000-level lecture and laboratory course
Course | Name |
BIO 1111 | Gen Bio I lab |
BIO 1112 | Gen Bio II lab |
BIO 2101 | Basic ideas of Biology lab |
BIO 2102 | Biotechnology lab |
BIO 2115 | Human Biology lab |
BIO 2117 | Disease and Society lab |
BIO 2118 | Forensic Biology lab |
BIO 2148 | Darwin lab |
BIO 2160 | Environmental Science lab |
BIO 2416 | Field Ecology |
BIO 3111 | Marine Biology Lab |
BIO 3112 | Marine Field Ecology Lab |
BIO 3117 | Tropical Ecology and Ecopsychology Lab |
Physical Science Lecture
All students must take both a physical science lecture course + laboratory course.
Course | Name |
CHE 1303 | General Chemistry I |
CHE 1401 | Basic Ideas of Chemistry |
CHE 1402 |
Basic Ideas of Forensic Chemistry |
PHY 1301 |
Basic Ideas in Physics |
PHY 2302 |
Introductory Astronomy |
PHY 2303 |
Physics and Technology |
Physical Science Lab
All students must take both a physical science lecture course + laboratory course.
Course | Name |
CHE 1103 | General Chemistry I Lab |
CHE 1001 | Basic Ideas of Chemistry Lab |
CHE 1002 | Basic Ideas of Forensic Chemistry Lab |
PHY 1101 | Basic Ideas of Physics Lab |
PHY 2102 | Introductory Astronomy Lab |
PHY 2103 | Physics and Technology Lab |
One course is required in Mathematics. Again, there are specific math courses designed for non-science majors, such as "Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry."
All students must take one course from the following list:
Course | Name |
MAT 1301 | Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries |
MAT 2305 | Introduction to Statistics |
MAT 3321 | Linear Point Set Theory |
MAT 1404 | Calculus I |
MAT 1411 | Calculus II |
MAT 2412 | Calculus III |
Fine Arts
One course is required in Fine Arts. The Art, Drama, and Music Departments offer courses in the history of their disciplines, which students can take to satisfy the fine art requirement. "The Art & Architecture of Rome," which is taken on the Rome Campus, satisfies the Fine Arts requirement.
All students must take one course from the following list:
Course | Name |
ART 1311 | History of Art and Architecture I |
ART 1312 | History of Art and Architecture II |
ART 2311 | Art and Architecture of Rome |
DRA 3310 | Theater History |
MUS 1311 | Music of the Western World I |
MUS 1312 | Music of the Western World II |
MUS 3330 | History and Theory of Gregorian Chant |
MUS 3335 | History of Opera |
MUS 3340 | Survey of Sacred Music |
Foreign Language
Knowledge of a foreign language to an intermediate level is also required of all students. Depending on the background of each student, this requirement may be met by taking from one to four courses in a classical or modern language. At present the languages that may be used to meet this requirement are Ancient Greek, French, German, Italian, Latin, and Spanish.