In my lab my I investigate a wide range of topics that are primarily focused on understanding
how ecological and evolutionary factors interact to result in genotypic and phenotypic
expression of a wide variety of traits within a population. I am also interested
in understanding the ecological and evolutionary mechanisms behind population abundance
and distribution. Although most of my work during my dissertation and postdoctoral
appointment was focused on the freshwater snail from New Zealand, Potamopyrgus antipodarum, most recently I have significantly expanded my focus to the marine environment.
My lab now has two lines of questioning one that exists at the population level and
the other at the organismal level.
If you are a current UD undergraduate student* and are interested in joining the lab, please fill out this application ( and send me an interest statement via email (
*Please note: I do not conduct research with high school level students. I am open to forming collaborations with undergraduate students from other academic institutions. If you fall into that category, please send me an inquiry letter via email.
Abundance and Distribution - Population Level
Why are populations more abundant in certain regions of a habitat? Why are species distributed in a particular geographic pattern? These questions have driven two major projects in my lab.
Machine Learning for Underwater Exploration
This project is in collaboration with NOAA, MBARI, and CVision AI. NOAA has collected hundreds of hours of video footage using the ship Okeanos Explorer and the accompanying Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Deep Discoverer (D2). We are assisting with the development of software that will enable researchers to be able to pin point the observation of specific organisms (at various taxon levels) within the videos. This tool will help with reducing video processing time and increase efficiency of data collection. The students also assist with training data sets that ultimately enrich alogrithims that are used in software development. This software feeds into MBARI's FathomNet, a collection of deep-sea data. The goal is to make all of the video footage easily accessible to educators and researchers that is searchable and efficient at data acquisition. Our lab hopes this will enable us and others to more efficiently answer questions about species distribution and abundance of organisms in the benthic ocean environments.
Ecological Genetics - Organismal Level
Rapid coral growth after microfragmentation
How does gene expression lead to phenotypic differences?
In order to answer this very broad question, we utilize an endangered coral species, Orbicella faveloata (Mountainous Star Coral). This species is a stony boulder coral that exists in the shallow waters of the Caribbean. Stony corals are under threat of
extinction, and in collaboration with the Mote's Elizabeth Moore International Center for Coral Reef Research and Restoration
(IC2R#) and the Stenesen Lab, we are investigating O. faveolata growth after microfragmentation, which is a process by which fragmenting a larger coral into tiny pieces exponentially
increases its growth rate. This project has two aims: (1) to understand what areas
of the microfragments undergo rapid growth and (2) determine what transcriptional
targets are activated post-fragmentation.
Orbicella faveolata colony, Florida Keys 2019; Photo Credit: Deanna Soper

All stony corals are under significant threat to extinction. Global climate change, decreasing pH as the result of increasing atmospheric CO2 levels, and increased disease prevalence (i.e. Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease in the Florida Keys) have all reduced populations across the world. This fact, makes the work we do important to not only better understand basic coral biology, but also provide information to coral reef restoration practioners to assist in mitigating the damage that has been incurred.
In a second project, we are using our scanning electron microscope (funded by the Keck Foundation, see our SEM website here) to examine coral skeletal formation under increased temperature and decreased pH. The goal is to understand how these altered conditions (predicted to be reached in 2100) will affect coral growth and formation.
Other Projects
Documentation of reproductive structures in Potamopyrgus antipodarum
Potamopyrgus antipodarum is an interesting snail to study because it has several characteristics that are uncommon in other snail species. For example, this snail is dioecious, meaning that individuals are either male or female. Males can be identified through external genitalia, which they use to internally fertilize females. Females do not lay eggs, but rather undergo "pregnancy" (internal gestation) and give live birth. Baby snails can sometimes be born in their gestational sac (see video here). In this project, we are documenting male reproductive structures to better understand the heterogeneity present in this organ within and among populations. This project is funded by the W.M. Keck Foundation.
Gastropod and Parasite Distribution in Michigan
During Summer 2019, in collaboration with the Raffel Lab at Oakland University, Freshwater Solutions, and the Hanington Lab at the University of Alberta, we collected snails, parasites, and water samples to determine species distribution and abundance. Our goal is to better understand the life cycle and dynamics of the parasites that cause Swimmer's Itch. Swimmer's Itch is a rash that is caused by humans swimming in waters that contain parasites that have been shed by snails. We are seeking to better understand why swimmer's itch occurs in areas where the snails and parasites that swimmer's itch has been primarily attributed to do not occur.
Conference Talks
Michigan State: Michigan Inland Lakes Conference, 2020
Soper, D. M., Raffel, T. R., Sckrabulis, J. P., Froelich, K. L., McPhail, B. A., Ostrowski, M. D., ... & Hanington, P. C. (2023). A novel schistosome species hosted by Planorbella (Helisoma) trivolvis is the most widespread swimmer's itch-causing parasite in Michigan inland lakes.Parasitology,150(1), 88-97.
Soper, D.M., Villafranca, N., Dieffenthaller, J.P., Dieffenthaller, M., Tompkins, H., Weglarz, M., Vaughan, D., Hamlyn, S.B., Stenesen, D. (2022) Growth and Cyclin-E Expression in the Stony Coral Species Orbicella faveolata Post Micro-fragmentation. The Biological Bulletin. 242(1): 40-47.
Soper, D. M. (2021) Education and Research: a symbiosis to better understand a novel coral disease. Frontiers in Marine Science . doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.669472.
White, P. S., Penley, M. J., Tierney, A. R. P., Soper, D. M., & Morran, L. T. (2019) Dauer life stage of Caenorhabditis elegans induces elevated levels of defense against the parasite Serratia marcescens. Scientific reports. 9(1): 1-9.
Soper, D.M., Hatcher, K.M., and Neiman, M. (2015) Documentation of Copulatory Behaviour in Triploid Male Freshwater Snails. Ethology, Ecology, & Evolution. doi:10.1080/03949370.2015.1030781.
Soper, D.M., King, K.C., Vergara, D., and Lively, C.M. (2014) Exposure to parasites increases promiscuity in a freshwater snail. Biology Letters. 10(4): 20131091.
Soper, D.M., Savytskyy, O.P., Neiman, M., Zolan, M.E., and Lively, C.M. (2013) Spermatozoa production by triploid males in the New Zealand freshwater snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 110(1): 227-234.
Soper, D.M., Delph, L.F., and Lively C.M. (2012) Multiple paternity in Potamopyrgus antipodarum. Ecology & Evolution. 2(12): 3179-3185.
Soper, D.M. (2012) The reproductive biology of Potamopyrgus antipodarum at the organismal and cellular level. Dissertation, Indiana University.
Neiman, M., Paczesniak, D., Soper, D.M., Baldwin, A.T., and Hehman, G. (2011) Wide variation in ploidy level and genome size in a New Zealand freshwater snail with coexisting sexual and asexual lineages. Evolution. 65(11): 3202-3216.
Montgomery, B., Soper, D.M., and Delph, L.F. (2010) Asymmetrical conspecific seed-siring advantage in Silene. Annuals of Botany. 105(4): 595-605.
Other Media
Unless Podcast - "Supermicrofragmentationpolyprestoration"
Can be found here.
Potamopyrgus antipodarum article for The Metropolitan Society of Natural Historians
Invited Speaker Talks
Dr. Maurine Neiman: Sex in the Wild Talk, April 2018 can be found here.
Dr. Laurie Marker: Cheetahs & Humans Sharing a Landscape Talk, October 2018 can be found here.
Mainstream Media Coverage
-Science Daily
-Iowa Now
Snail Care Videos
Snail feeding:
Water changing:
Lab Members
Nora Aigberadion, Undergraduate Researcher, Summer 2023-present
Monique Bedolla, Undergraduate Researcher, Summer 2021-present
Maria Cordero, Undergraduate Researcher, Fall 2023-present
Abigail Fritz, Undergraduate Researcher, Spring 2021-present
Isabella Woods, Visiting Undergraduate Researcher, Summer 2023-present (from Northwestern University)
Emma Bergman, Undergraduate Researcher, B.S. '23, Spring 2022-present
Gerardo Canedo, Undergraduate Researcher, B.S. '23, Summer 2022-Spring 2023
Jana Rocha, Undergraduate Researcher, B.S. '23, Summer 2021-Spring 2023
Maura Van Bogaert, Undergraduate Researcher, B.S. '22, Fall 2020-Fall 2022
Tamara Elliott, Visiting Undergraduate Researcher, Summer 2022 (From Dallas Community College)
Bryan Muckensturm, Undergraduate Researcher, Summer 2021-Fall 2021
Versana Roch-Diaz, B.S. '22, Undergraduate Researcher Summer 2020
Carolann Stone, B.S. '21, Undergraduate Researcher Summer 2020 - Spring 2021; currently: Doctor of Physical Therapy at University of Delaware
Natalie Villafranca, B.S. '21, M.A. '23 (Texas State University), Undergraduate Researcher Summer 2019 - Fall 2020; currently: PhD student at University of Southern California
Maria Zambrana, B.S. '21, Undergraduate Researcher Summer 2020 - Fall 2020; currently: Educator at Great Hearts, Dallas
Allison Driskill, B.S. '20, Undergraduate Researcher Summer 2019 - Spring 2020; currently: Physical Therapy student at UNTHSC in Fort Worth
Devon Romano, BS. '20, M.S. (Marine Resource Management) from Texas A & M, Galveston '22, Undergraduate Researcher Summer 2019-Spring 2020; currently: Environmental Scientist at Lloyd Engineering; Bellaire, TX
Lydia Jones, B.S. '20, Undergraduate Researcher Fall 2019-Spring 2020, currently: Natural Resource Interpretative Assistant at Badlands National Park
Molly Weglarz, B.S. '20, Undergraduate Researcher Summer 2019
Hayden Tompkins, Visiting Research Scholar, Fall 2018-Spring 2019, M.S. from Miami University '21
Meghan (Rearden) Dieffenthaller, B.S. '19, M.S. '21 from Colorado State University, Visiting Research Scholar, Spring 2019, currently: Health Physicist with the Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site (REAC/TS)
Abigail Sequeira, B.S. '19; M.S. from Texas A & M '22, Undergraduate Researcher Spring 2017-Spring 2019, currently: PhD student at Penn State University
John Paul Dieffenthaller, B.S. '19, Undergraduate Researcher Summer 2018-Spring 2019, currently: Science Educator (online) for Colorado Early Colleges and Master's student in Medical Physics at University of Tennessee
Virginia Green, B.S. '19, Undergraduate Researcher Summer 2018, currently: PhD student at Indiana University
Colette Ohotnicky, B.S. '18, Undergraduate Researcher Spring 2017-Spring 2018, Obtained Master's Degree Oregon State University '20, currently: Science Teacher at Chesterton Academy of John Paul II
Angela Moore, B.S. '18, Undergraduate Researcher Summer 2017, currently: P.A. student at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston Physician Assistant Program