Business Administration Program

Master of Business Administration Program

The Dallas MBA Program


The Gupta Difference: A well-rounded business education that develops character formation, soft skills, and technical expertise sought by industry.

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) program combines business literacy, virtue-based ethics, liberal arts, and social science to create leaders who can navigate the complexities of modern business with integrity and purpose. Through a combination of a unique integrated approach to the common body of business knowledge, practical applications, and innovative electives, students gain a comprehensive understanding of the business environment while cultivating the ability to lead and drive change across diverse industries. 

Quality education for the working professional!

One of the prime advantages of the Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business at the University of Dallas is quality education created for the working professional. The Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business uses a trimester system, with fall, spring, and summer terms to allow for accelerated time to completion. Classes are offered in an evening format at our Irving campus or online. 

For international students, it is a distinct advantage to attend classes with current working professionals in the field where they aspire to work. Upon graduation, students may apply for the 12-month Optional Practical Training (OPT).

Spring/Summer, 2025 Courses

30 Credit Hours / 10 Classes

Required Courses:

ACCT 5323. Accounting for Managers.
BUAD 5350. Data Analysis for Decision Making.
BUAD 6305. The Effective Leader.
BUAD 8310. Business and Society.
BUAD 8390. The Capstone Experience.
FINA 6305. Managerial Finance.
MANA 6307. Managing Complex Organizations.
MANA 8320. Global Strategy.
MARK 6305. Value-Based Marketing.
OPER 6305. Management of Operations.

Prerequisites for the MBA Program

In order to ensure that all students come into the program with the standard business knowledge, the prerequisites listed below are required for all MBA students*:

MANA 5F50. Foundations of Management and Strategy
MARK 5F50. Foundations of Marketing.
ECON 5F50. Foundations of Economics.

*Students with an AACSB business degree are exempt from the program prerequsite requirements. Individual core course may be subject to course prerequisites (some core courses being required prior to completing other courses). 

Coming Fall, 2025 

36 Credit Hours / 15 Classes

Required Courses:

MANA 6V50 The Virtuous Leader *
MANA 6V51 Business and the Common Good *
BUAD 6320 The Effective Communicator *
BUAD 6101.  Leading Yourself. (1 credit hour, semester 1)
BUAD 6102. Enhancing Interpersonal Effectiveness. (1 credit hour, semester 2)
BUAD 6103. Career Advancement. (1 credit hour, semester 3)
ACCT/FINA 6310. Financial Intelligence.
BUAD 6310. Quantitative Reasoning for Decision-Making.
MANA 7310. High Performance Work Teams.
LDRS 6310. Leading Innovation and Organizational Change.
MANA 7330. Integrated Business Operations. 
MANA 7340. Integrated Business Strategy.

Gupta Core Course

Courses to Obtain a Concentration:

Students pursuing an MBA have nine credit hours of electives, with one course having to be a TECH-designated course. The electives can be used to declare a concentration. To complete a concentration, the student must complete nine credit hours of elective coursework in one of the following fields.  

TECH-designated courses are notated in each course description.


ACCT 5351 Data Analytics in Accounting (TECH) 

And two courses from this list: 

ACCT 5326 Intermediate Financial Accounting II 
ACCT 5380 Income Tax I 
ACCT 6330 Financial Statement Analysis 

Program prerequisite: ACCT 5325 Intermediate Financial Accounting I 


FINA 7310 Intermediate Managerial Finance 
FINA 6305 Managerial Finance 
FINA 7360 Quantitative Finance (TECH) 

Program prerequisites: Financial Accounting, Micro- or Macro-Economics, Calculus or Business Calculus or equivalents, BANA 6360 Programming I  


CYBS 6345 Securing the Digital World 
CYBS 6350 Cryptology and Data Protection (TECH)
CYBS 6355 Governance, Risk and Compliance

Business Analytics

BANA 7320 Data Visualization and Storytelling (TECH) 
BANA 7380
Advanced Spreadsheet Modeling and Dashboards (TECH) 
BANA 7355
AI for Business 

Data Science and AI

BANA 6390 Cloud Computing and AI 
BANA 6380 SQL Programming and ML (TECH) 
BANA 7355 AI for Business 


MARK 6337 Digital Marketing (TECH) 

And two courses from this list: 

MARK 6305 Principled Marketing Strategy  
MARK 6322 Branding and Sponsorships 
MARK 6321 Professional Sales and Negotiation  


BANA 7320 Data Visualization and Storytelling (TECH) 

And two courses from this list: 

MANA 7395 Ethical Dimensions of Leadership 
LDRS 6360 Spiritual Leadership 
LDRS 5320 The Craft of Leadership  


Students who complete any three courses from any MBA concentration for their nine credit hours of electives receive a Concentration in Interdisciplinary on their transcript. One course must be a TECH-designated course.