Catholic School Leadership, MCSL, Certificate



The University of Dallas offers a Master of Catholic School Leadership (MCSL) and Certificate of Catholic School Leadership (CSL) designed to prepare educators for leadership in Catholic education. Students will graduate prepared for a career as an assistant principal, principal or president of a Catholic school, an associate superintendent or superintendent, or as a member of diocesan personnel who affect the various aspects of education (i.e. budget, curricula, development and school infrastructure, grants for a diocese or state). In addition to serving each student who passes through your classroom, students will extend their influence to their school community at large with a more robust knowledge of the Catholic tradition and practical, experience-based skills for leadership. 

MCSL Degree Requirements

The Master of Catholic School Leadership comprises 36 credit hours. Students complete a graduate proseminar, five Theology courses and seven Catholic School Leadership courses. 

  • TMIN 5311. Graduate Proseminar - Required of all first-year students.  This course is designed to introduce new students to the world of graduate studies in theology and pastoral ministry, and to assist them in undertaking graduate level work successfully.  Proseminar is offered only in the Fall semester, with both on-site and online options.
  • TMIN 5330 Systematic Theology - Structured reflection on the Christian communal experience of faith and how that faith is understood, expressed and lived out in the Catholic tradition. It invites dialogue among students and with the formative elements of Catholic tradition to consider theological method (i.e., How do we do this work properly?), doctrinal clarity (i.e., What does our formative tradition teach?) and pastoral practice (i.e., How do theology and pastoral realities influence one another?). Topics of special focus include revelation and faith, the Triune God, Christology, Christian anthropology and the theology of the church, including Mary and the saints.
  • TMIN 5350 Moral Theology - A critical survey of fundamental moral theology, including the distinctiveness of Christian morality, conscience formation, natural law, moral norms and decision-making. It provides an entrée into special moral theology, which includes bioethics, environmental ethics, healthcare ethics, sexual ethics and social ethics.
  • TMIN 6375 Catechetics and the Development of Faith - Introduction to the history, theology and practice of catechesis. Including the methods, content and curriculum of contemporary catechesis, with particular focus on age-appropriateness and faith and its maturation in people.
  • In addition to the courses listed above, students are required to consult with their Catholic School Leadership advisor to choose 1 elective course. Suggested electives include
    • TMIN 5360 Liturgy and Sacraments
    • TMIN 5340 Church History
    • TMIN 5370 Theological Reflection
  • EDU 5342 Foundations of Catholic Education - The purpose of this course is to increase awareness, knowledge, and understanding of the many complex factors that shape education in Catholic schools. While reading and reflecting upon relevant primary and secondary sources and engaging in thoughtful, collegial discussion, the student will explore the history, mission, identity, and value of Catholic schools. Students will review relevant Church documents, scholarly texts, and research to evaluate the health of Catholic schools, the effects of Catholic education, and the values (both promises and perils) of Catholic education in 21st century America. Special attention will be given to examining trends related to teaching and learning in Catholic environments, infusing Catholic identity into educational practice, and constructing a thoughtful, personal philosophy of education. Students will create a Catholic Education Portfolio.
  • EDU 6361 The Catholic School Principal - This course will address the unique mission of the Catholic school and the special demands placed upon the Catholic school administrator. The specific roles and responsibilities of an administrator in a Catholic school will be examined. The student will be introduced to the expectations of the position and the skills and knowledge required to meet the challenges they present. This study will include an analysis of the principal's responsibilities in the areas of leadership. Special attention will be paid to the role of spiritual leader.
  • EDU 6362 Instructional Leadership - This course examines the major issues, problems and trends in curriculum and instruction. This study will include an analysis of the leadership skills required of an administrator in the areas of instructional supervision, curriculum development, instructional evaluation, and staff development in a private or parochial school.
  • EDU 6363 Organizational Leadership and Planning - This course will examine administrative behavior and organizational structures as they relate to non-public schools. This examination will include conceptual models of strategic planning and decision-making.
  • EDU 6364 Non-Public School Finance and Development - This course will examine all aspects of the financial management of a private or parochial school. This examination will include the fiscal planning process, as well as, the development and implementation of a fiscal plan. The role of development and public relations will be addressed. Discussion will also include all aspects of budgets, marketing, fund raising, development strategy and management.
  • EDU 6365 Non-Public School Law - This course is a study of the legal issues concerned with the administration of a Catholic school. Included in this study will be an overview of Constitutional Law: Civil Law; Personnel Law; Canon Law; State and Federal Regulations; Accreditation Issues; and Government programs. Participants will be presented with precedent setting court decisions and case studies will be reviewed and discussed.
  • EDU 6366 Catholic School Leadership Internship - A supervised placement specific to Catholic school leadership, ordinarily undertaken in the last year of study, that provides a structured opportunity to enhance skills and integrate theoretical knowledge. Interns demonstrate leadership in a Catholic school environment under the supervision of an appropriate field based mentor. Students will also meet regularly with a faculty supervisor during the internship experience to ensure learning outcomes are met. Registration for this course requires prior approval.

CSL Certificate Requirements

University of Dallas also offers an 18-hour Catholic School Leadership Certificate. This is offered for students who already have a master’s degree and want or need additional hours in Catholic School Leadership.

  • EDU 5342 Foundations of Catholic Education - The purpose of this course is to increase awareness, knowledge, and understanding of the many complex factors that shape education in Catholic schools. While reading and reflecting upon relevant primary and secondary sources and engaging in thoughtful, collegial discussion, the student will explore the history, mission, identity, and value of Catholic schools. Students will review relevant Church documents, scholarly texts, and research to evaluate the health of Catholic schools, the effects of Catholic education, and the values (both promises and perils) of Catholic education in 21st century America. Special attention will be given to examining trends related to teaching and learning in Catholic environments, infusing Catholic identity into educational practice, and constructing a thoughtful, personal philosophy of education. Students will create a Catholic Education Portfolio.
  • EDU 6361 The Catholic School Principal - This course will address the unique mission of the Catholic school and the special demands placed upon the Catholic school administrator. The specific roles and responsibilities of an administrator in a Catholic school will be examined. The student will be introduced to the expectations of the position and the skills and knowledge required to meet the challenges they present. This study will include an analysis of the principal's responsibilities in the areas of leadership. Special attention will be paid to the role of spiritual leader.
  • EDU 6362 Instructional Leadership - This course examines the major issues, problems and trends in curriculum and instruction. This study will include an analysis of the leadership skills required of an administrator in the areas of instructional supervision, curriculum development, instructional evaluation, and staff development in a private or parochial school.
  • EDU 6363 Organizational Leadership and Planning - This course will examine administrative behavior and organizational structures as they relate to non-public schools. This examination will include conceptual models of strategic planning and decision-making.
  • EDU 6364 Non-Public School Finance and Development - This course will examine all aspects of the financial management of a private or parochial school. This examination will include the fiscal planning process, as well as, the development and implementation of a fiscal plan. The role of development and public relations will be addressed. Discussion will also include all aspects of budgets, marketing, fund raising, development strategy and management.
  • EDU 6365 Non-Public School Law - This course is a study of the legal issues concerned with the administration of a Catholic school. Included in this study will be an overview of Constitutional Law: Civil Law; Personnel Law; Canon Law; State and Federal Regulations; Accreditation Issues; and Government programs. Participants will be presented with precedent setting court decisions and case studies will be reviewed and discussed

What you need to know about the Master of Catholic School Leadership:

  • You can earn your Master of Catholic School Leadership in as few as 2 years, or take your time to complete the program in as many as 6 years.
  • Courses are taught by University of Dallas faculty and by diocesan and school leaders, providing you the opportunity to learn about leadership in Catholic schools from the leaders who are currently serving Catholic schools.
  • Classes are offered online and on campus, in the evenings and summers, for busy, working professionals and educators. Coursework includes required reading, lectures, group work, and written and oral presentations.
  • The MSCL internship provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate their leadership skills and apply their ministerial and educational knowledge in a professional context, guided by a faculty supervisor and field mentor. 
  • Find out how much this degree costs through our Office of Financial Aid. Several scholarships are available.

Ready to take the next step?

To be considered for admission to the Master of Catholic School Leadership program, students must show two years of teaching experience in a Catholic school and a letter of reference from a supervisor.

Department of Education and Classical Learning

Janette Boazman, PhD

Janette Boazman, PhD

Associate Professor, Education and Classical Learning, Graduate Director, Education

Phone: (972) 265-5714


Office: Braniff Graduate Building #22

Office Hours: By Appointment: In-Person & Virtual

Barbara Khirallah

Barbara Khirallah, MEd

Affiliate Instructor, Education and Classical Learning

Phone: (972) 721-5334


Office: Braniff Graduate Building #20

Office Hours: M 12:00 - 2:30 p.m. & 4:30 -5:30 p.m. / W 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. or by Appointment

Dr. Yoshiaki Nakazawa

Yoshiaki Nakazawa, PhD

Department Chair and Associate Professor, Education and Classical Learning

Phone: (972) 721-4110


Office: Braniff Graduate Building #14

Office Hours: M 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. / W 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. or by Appointment

Amie Sarker, PhD

Amie Sarker, PhD

Adjunct Professor, Education and Classical Learning

Phone: (972) 721-5333


Office: Braniff Graduate Building #26

Office Hours: By Appointment