Ellen Steinmiller, PhD

Ellen Steinmiller, PhD

Associate Professor of Analytical Chemistry and Chemistry Department Chair

Phone: (972) 721-5110

Email: esteinmiller@udallas.edu

Office: Patrick E. Haggerty Science Center #241

Office Hours: By Appointment

Dr. Ellen M. P. Steinmiller received her undergraduate education at the University of Arkansas. While an undergraduate, she was fortunate to study in the lab of Dr. Ingrid Fritsch investigating microfluidic devices with integrated microelectrodes. Her experience with undergraduate research led her to graduate school at Purdue University. At Purdue, she worked in Dr. Kyoung-Shin Choi’s group studying the photo electrochemical properties of electrodeposited metal oxide materials. After receiving her PhD in 2009, she worked as a postdoctoral research associate with Dr. Sara Skrabalak at Indiana University.  Her research focus is on designing architecturally interesting metal oxide materials for photocatalysis.

At UD, Dr. Steinmiller teaches Analytical Chemistry, Instrumental Analysis, and Inorganic Chemistry in addition to General Chemistry and Forensic Chemistry. Her favorite class to teach is the newly developed lab course “Scientific Investigations of the Color Blue” which is taught with the Biology and Physics departments.

Dr. Steinmiller serves as the advisor for UD SMACS (Student Members of the American Chemical Society) and the UD Journal of Science.


Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN             

Ph.D, Chemistry, 2009 Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Dissertation: “Electrodeposition of ZnO Films:  Utilizing Surfactant Interfacial Assembly for Mesoporous Construction and the Photoelectrochemical Properties of Polycrystalline ZnO Films”

BS, Chemistry, summa cum laude, 2003 University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR
Senior Thesis: “Analytical Devices with Integrated Microchannels and Microelectrodes Constructed in Poly(dimethylsiloxane) and Glass Materials”
Phi Beta Kappa

General Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Instrumental Analysis
Inorganic Chemistry


Elucidating the Structure-Dependent Photocatalytic Properties of Bi2WO6: a Synthesis Guided Investigation.” Mann, A.K.P., Steinmiller, E.M.P., Skrabalak, S.E.;  Dalton Transactions (2012),  41,  7939-7945.

Achieving Synergy with a Potential Photocatalytic Z-Scheme: Synthesis and Evaluation of Nitrogen-Doped TiO2/SnO2 Composites.” Xu, L., Steinmiller, E.M.P., Skrabalak, S.E.; Journal of Physical Chemistry C ( 2012), 116, 871-877.

"Introducing Global Climate Change and Renewable Energy with Media Sources and a Simple Demonstration." Skrabalak S. E.; Steinmiller, E.M.P.  In Sustainability in the Chemistry Curriculum; Middlecamp, C. H.; Jorgensen, A. A., Eds.; ACS Books, 2012, p. 203-213.

"Photochemical Deposition of Cobalt-Based Oxygen Evolving Catalyst on a Semiconductor Photoanode for Solar Oxygen Production." Steinmiller, E. M. P.; Choi, K.-S. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2009, 106, 20633-20636

"Atomic Plane-Selective Deposition of Gold Nanoparticles on Metal Oxide Crystals Exploiting Preferential Adsorption of Additives." Read, C. G.; Steinmiller, E.M.P.; Choi, K.-S. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131, 1204012041.

"Electrochemical Synthesis of Zn-Al Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH) Films." Yarger, M.; Steinmiller, E.M.P.; Choi, K.-S. Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 47, 5859-5865.

"Electrochemical Synthesis of Lamellar Structured ZnO Films via Electrochemical Interfacial Surfactant Templating." Choi, K.-S. and Steinmiller, E.M.P. Electrochimica Acta, 2008, 53, 6953-6960.

"Electrochemical Synthesis of Lamellar Structured Inorganic Films Using Interfacial Surfactant Templating" Choi, K.-S. Steinmiller, E.M.P., Yarger, M.S. Material Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 2007, 0972-AA05-07-QQ02-07.

"Anodic Construction of Lamellar Structured ZnO Films Using Basic Media via Interfacial Surfactant Templating." Steinmiller, E.M.P. and Choi, K.-S. Langmuir, 2007, 23, 12710-12715.

"Electrochemical Synthesis of Cobalt Hydroxide Films with Tunable Interlayer Spacings." Yarger, M.S.; Steinmiller, E.M.P.; Choi, K.-S. Chemical Communications, 2007, 2, 159-161.

"Electrochemical Tailoring of Lamellar-Structured ZnO Films by Interfacial Surfactant Templating." Tan, Y.; Steinmiller, E.M.P.; Choi, K.-S. Langmuir, 2005, 21, 9618-9624.

Schnoebelen, Anna; Bloemer, Alice T.; Torrance, Blake; Window, Phillip; Cody, William L.; Steinmiller, Ellen M. P., "Discoveries in the antimicrobial properties of ZnO plate and rod morphologies" 255th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, April 2017.

Steinmiller, Ellen M. P.,Hicks, S.F., Phillips, N.R. Slaughter, S. "Investigations on the Color Blue: An upper level cross-disciplinary lab course" Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, University of Northern Colorado, CO, July, 2016.

Shaughnessy, Charles I.*, Ielmini, Madeleine E., Jackson, Richard K.; Steinmiller, Ellen M. P. DFW Section of the American Chemical Society Meeting in Miniature, Arlington, TX, April 28th, 2015

*1st place, undergraduate division

Steinmiller, Ellen M. P., Shaughnessy, Charles I., Ielmini, Madeleine E., Jackson, Richard K. "Photodeposition of Copper/ZnO Composite Particles." Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Fort Worth, TX, November 2014.

O'Brien, Peter*; Blute, Joseph.; Steinmiller, Ellen M. P. DFW Section of the American Chemical Society Meeting in Miniature, Commerce, TX, April 27th, 2013

*2nd place, undergraduate inorganic division

Underlined names are UD students