Doctor of Business Administration Book Publications

Faculty Research


Faculty Research

The University of Dallas Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business follows a scholar-practitioner model approach to research. Below is the 2024 Annual Research Report of the Gupta College of Business. The research list includes peer-reviewed journal articles, books, book chapters, and conference activities during the 2024 calendar year by faculty in the college. Congratulations to the faculty in the Gupta College of Business for another successful year producing high quality basic, applied, and pedagogical research that is meaningful to practice.

1. Albritton, B., Bannister, J., Douglass, A. and Holmes, A. (2024) Incorporating Sustainability in Accounting Curriculum. [Conference session] TXCPA Education Conference, San Antonio, TX.

2. Bannister, J., Ho, J., Yasar, M. (2024) The Determinants and Consequences of Voluntary IFRS Adoption: Evidence from the U.S. Market. [Conference presentation] Journal of International Accounting Research Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

3. Bannister, J. (2024) Take-a-Stand for Accounting [Conference presentation]. AAA Southwest Region Meeting, Galveston, TX.

4. Bharwani, S. S., Wysong, S., & Fulmore, J. A. (2024, April 23-25). I craft so that I can flow: A comparative study of neuro type to explore the relationship between job crafting and flow and the mediating role of meaningful work [Conference presentation]. Tulane Research, Innovation and Creativity Summit. New Orleans, LA, United States. 

5. Blanke, S. & Landry, B. J. L. (2024, April 10-13). Developing Pedagogical Responses to the Generative Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education [Conference presentation]. Southwest Academy of Management Conference. Galveston, TX, United States.

6. Bourbon, B., & Murimi, R. (2024). Decentralization, Blockchains, and the Development of Smart Communities in Economically Challenging Environments. Ledger, 9, 30−50.

7. Brightenburg, M. E.*, Fulmore, J. A., Bell, G., & Whittington, J. L. (2024, April 10-13). Leisure work rewards, commitment, and engagement: An exploratory study [Conference presentation]. Southwest Academy of Management Conference. Galveston, TX, United States.

8. Brill, T.*, Munoz, L., & Miller, R. (2024, November 6-9). Brand and Performance Learnings for Digital Assistants: Considerations for Generative AI Assistants [Conference presentation]. Society for Marketing Advances Annual Conference. Tampa, FL, United States.

9. Conger, S., Blanke, S., & Murimi, R. (2024). An exploration of factors influencing work from home effectiveness during Covid-19. Information Systems Management, 41(1).

10. Dickey, G.*, Ugrin, J., & Whittington, J. L. (2025). Cultivating engaged audit teams: The effect of the lead audit partner’s leadership behaviors. Accounting Horizons.

11. Ellis, M.*, Wysong, S., Dilla, B., & Nabors, E.* (2024, November 11-13). Laps of Loyalty: Netflix’s "Drive to Survive” and the Growth of Formula 1 Fandom in the United States [Conference presentation]. Barcelona Conference on Arts, Media & Culture. Barcelona, Spain.

12. Fulmore, J. A., Fulmore, A. L., & Hammack-Brown, B. (2024). Balancing commitment: Work engagement's role in reducing unethical behavior. Journal of General Management 0(0).

13. Fulmore, J. A., Nimon, K., & Reio, T. G., Jr. (2024). The role of organizational culture in the relationship between affective organizational commitment and unethical pro- organizational behavior., 39(7), 845-862.

14. Gu, Y., Bell, G., Rasheed, A. A., & Beldona, S. (2024). Commitment to values: Examining the role of ethical and responsible business practices on short and long‐ term value. Business and Society Review, 129(1), 96-129.

15. Hadipour, N., & Murimi, R. (2024, October 28-29). Medical Advisories as Deterrents in Healthcare Cybercrime [Conference presentation]. Cyber Awareness and Research Symposium. Grand Forks, ND, United States.

16. Jacocks, C. W. (2024). Business Communication: Theory & Application. Kendall Hunt Publishing.

17. Jacocks, C. W. (2024, October 16-19). TED Talk Assignment: My Favorite Assignment Panel [Conference presentation]. Association of Business Communication Annual International Conference. Tulsa, OK, United States.

18. Jarjoui, S.*, Murimi, R. M., & Murimi, R. K.* (2024). Communities, agency, and resilience: a perspective addressing tragedy of the cyber commons. The Cyber Defense Review, 9(1), 113-131.

19. Kochhar, V., Walden, T., Nazem, M., Fulmore, J. A. (2024, October 24-26). The relationship between servant leadership and innovative work behavior through the lens of self-determination theory [Conference presentation]. Midwest Academy of Management Annual Conference. Moorhead, MN, United States.

20. Landry, B. J. L. (2024, April). Aligning information technology and decisions sciences faculty and courses within the framework of AACSB Disciplines [Conference presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute Southwest Region, Galveston, Texas.

21. Landry, B. J. L. (2024, April). Integrating bricolage into cybersecurity classes [Conference presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute Southwest Region, Galveston, Texas.

22. Landry, B. J. L. & Bell, G. (2024, March). Examining cybersecurity breaches through the lens of QCA [Conference presentation]. QCA Conference of the Americas, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.

23. Marks, M.*, Munoz, L., Brill, T.*, and Dilla, B. (2024), Employee Satisfaction and Engagement Impact Organization Loyalty. [Conference presentation]. Society for Marketing Advances Annual Conference.

24. Munoz, L., & Miller, R. (2024). Introduction to business: Best practices and emerging trends [MOOC]. Stukent.

25. Murray, B., Dulebohn, J. H., Stone, D. L., & Lukaszewski, K. M. (2024). Human resource management ambidexterity: Managing for the present and positioning for the future (Chapter 1). In Murray, B., Dulebohn, J. H., Stone, D. L., & Lukaszewski, K. M. (Eds.), Human Resource Management: Future of HRM. Information Age Publishing.

26. Munoz, L. (2024, November 6-9). Nurturing Character Development: Distinguished Teaching Comment [Conference presentation]. Society for Marketing Advances Annual Conference. Tampa, FL, United States

27. Munoz, L., & Saavedra-Torres, S. (2024, November 6-9). Jesus or Kennedy: Does Salesperson Religiosity Impact Sales Outcomes? [Conference presentation]. Society for Marketing Advances Annual Conference. Tampa, FL, United States.

28. Peterson, R., & Munoz, L. (2024). Sales Enablement Leadership Responsibilities, Expectations, and Qualifications. Journal of Selling, 24(1),66-84. 

29. Rasheed, A. A., Gu, J., & Bell, G. (2024). Stock Repurchases: Antecedents, Outcome, and Implications. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management.

30. Remidez, H. (2024, April 10-14). Using SQL Lessons to Raise Awareness of the Societal Impacts of Discriminatory Lending Practices [Conference presentation]. Southwest Decision Sciences Institute’s Annual Conference. Galveston, TX, United States.

31. Remidez, H. (2024, April 10-14). Towards a Fraud Detection Methodology for Government Funded Programs [Conference presentation]. Southwest Decision Sciences Institute’s Annual Conference. Galveston, TX, United States.

32. Walsh, R. (2024, April 9-14). How Much AI is Too Much AI? Topics for the Accounting Research Course [Conference presentation]. Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting, American Accounting Association National Meeting. Washington, DC, United States.

33. Walsh, R. (2024, April 9-14). Virtue Ethics to Catholic Social Teaching – Introduction to Taxation [Conference presentation]. Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting, American Accounting Association National Meeting. Washington, DC, United States.

1. Applin-Houtz, M., Munoz, L., Ferguson, R., Fleming, D., Miller, R. (2023), What Matters to Students? A SCARF-based Model of Educational Service Recovery, Marketing Education Review. 

2. Awojobi, B., & Landry, B. J. L. (2023). Examining data privacy through the lens of government regulations. In F. Adedoyin and B. Christiansen (Eds.), Effective Cybersecurity Operations for Enterprise-Wide Systems.

3. Awojobi, B., & Landry, B. J. L. (2023). An examination of factors determining user privacy perceptions of voice-based assistants. International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning.

4. Bannister, J, Ho, J, & Song, X. (2023). Does the Market Reward Foreign Firms and Domestic Firms Equally? Evidence from Meeting or Beating Earning Expectations, Journal of International Accounting Research.

5. Blanke, S. (2023). Repair Broken Cybersecurity Hiring with Realistic Job Requirements and Expanded Candidate Sources. Presented at Annual CAE in Cybersecurity Community Symposium Cyber Defense Conference.

6. Blanke, S. & Sturgeon, E. (2023). Aligning Cybersecurity Position Descriptions and Required Skills for Non-Technical Cybersecurity Jobs. Presented at Southwest Decision Sciences.

7. Bolding, A., Whittington, J. L., & Murray, B. (2023). Dark Followership: The making of a dark leader. Presented at Western Academy of Management Conference. 

8. Brill, T., Munoz, L. & Miller, R. (2023). Hey Siri! Performance vs. Brand. Can you keep customers engaged? Presented at Society for Marketing Advances Annual Conference

9. Conger, S, Murimi, R., Blanke, S. (2023) An exploration of factors influencing work from home during Covid-19. Information Systems Management Journal.

10. Corey, C. M., Landry, B. J. L., & Payne, D. (2023). Ethics before law: A legal genesis for cryptocurrency regulation. Southern Journal of Business and Ethics.

11. Davis, D., Miller, R. & Wysong, S. (2023). The Dirty Workers Among Us: The Mediating Role of Job Crafting and the Moderating Role of Leader-Member Exchange in the Evaluation of Self-Determination and Work Engagement. Presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

12. Dilla, B. (2023). Aligning Strengths, Emotional Intelligence, and Resilience: A Scholarly-Practitioner Perspective. Presented at Southwest Academy of Management Conference.

13. Gu, Y., Rhame, S., & Walsh, R. (2023). Experiential Learning from Financial Literacy to Retirement Tax Planning. Presented at American Accounting Association Annual Meeting.

14. Jacocks, C.W. & Bell, R.G. (2023). "Workforce members with disabilities: An underutilized talent pool for mutual growth." In: Joan Marques (Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Fulfillment, Wellness, and Personal Growth at Work, pp. 543-563, Springer. 

15. Jacocks, C.W. (2023). Business Communication: Theory & Application. Kendall Hunt Publishing: Dubuque, IA.

16. Landry, B. J. L. (2023). Creating ad-hoc group support systems for in-person and remote participants. Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute Southwest Region.

17. Landry, B. J. L. & Blanke, S. J. (2023). Cybersecurity resilience requires technical and non-technical controls to enable defense in depth. Proceedings of the 2023 European Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference.

18. Landry, B. J. L., Murimi, R., & Bell, G. (2023) Equifinality in Cybersecurity Research: Opportunities and Future Research. Effective Cybersecurity Operations for Enterprise-Wide Systems. IGI Global.

19. Landry, B. J. L., Murimi, R., & Bell, G. (2023). Equifinality in blockchain resilience: The role of organizational, environmental, and cybersecurity factors. Proceedings of the European Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference.

20. Landry, B. J. L. & Payne, D. (2023). An exploration of non-repudiation issues using digital identifiers. Proceedings of the European Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference.

21. Landry, B. J. L., & Koger, M. S. (2023). Exploring zero trust network architectures for building secure networks. Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute Southwest Region. 

22. Landry, B. J. L., & Koger, M. S. (2023). Leveraging unified threat management based honeypots in small and midsized businesses and educational environments. Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute Southwest Region. 

23. Landry, B. J. L., & Scherer, R. F. (2023) Navigating AACSB International Standard 3: Strategies to effectively manage faculty sufficiency and qualifications ratios. Journal of Education for Business. 

24. Marks, M. Whittington, J.L, & Asare, E.K. (2023). Contingent Rewards: Overlooked and Under-Appreciated. Presented at Southwestern Academy of Management.

25. Munoz, L. & Miller, R. (2023). Introduction to Business. 2nd edition. Stukent. 

26.  Murimi, R.K., Blanke, S., & Murimi, R., (2023). A Decade of Development of Mental Models in Cybersecurity and Lessons for the Future. Springer Proceedings in Complexity book series.

27. Murimi, R., Bell, R.G., Rasheed, A., & Beldona, S. (2023). Blockchains: A Review and Research Agenda for International Business. Research in International Business and Finance. 

28. Murimi, R.K., Blanke, S., & Murimi, R. (2023). A Decade of Development of Mental Models in Cybersecurity and Lessons for the Future. Springer Proceedings in Complexity.

29. Nimon, K., Zientek, L. R., & Fulmore, J. A. (2023). Learning and teaching the general linear model through gamification and an open-source shiny application. Presented at Southwestern Education Research Association.

30. Nketia, J., Asare, E.K., & Ampofo, A. A. (2023). Non-bank financing of small and medium size firms in developing economies: Effect of management control systems including large firm affiliation. The Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance. 

31. Remidez, H. (2023) Towards a Fraud Detection Methodology for Government- Funded Programs. Presented at Southwest Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

32. Remidez, H. (2023) Using SQL Lessons to Raise Awareness of the Societal Impacts of Discriminatory Lending Practices. Presented at Southwest Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

33. Robledo, S., Munoz, L. & Brill, T. (2023). The Impact of Personal Traits and Job Specific Attitudes and Skills on Sales Performance. Presented at Society for Marketing Advances Annual Conference.

34. Saad, S., Wysong, S. & Stodnick, M. (2023). “The Influence of Intelligent Automation on Employees’ Sense of Meaningfulness at Work,” Presented at ENCATC Congress. 

35. Slubowski, H. & Munoz, L. (2023). When Customers Belong: Antecedents to Electronic Word-of-Mouth and Intent to Pay More in Loyalty Programs. Presented at Society for Marketing Advances Annual Conference.

36. Stone, D. L., Murray, B., Lukaszewski, K., Canedo, J., & Dulebohn, J. H. (2023). Influence of public stigmas and self-stigmas on the exclusion of people with anxiety and depressive disorders in organizations (Chapter 1). In D. L. Stone, K. M. Lukaszewski, J. Canedo, B. Murray, & J. H. Dulebohn (eds.), The Plight of Stigmatized Groups in Organizations. A volume in the annual series Research in Human Resource Management. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. 

37. Stone, D. L., Lukaszewski, K. M., Murray, B., & Dulebohn, J. H. (2023). Motives for dominating and excluding forgotten minorities in organizations (Chapter 1). In D. L. Stone, B. Murray, K. M. Lukaszewski, & J. H. Dulebohn (eds.), Forgotten Minorities in Organizations. A volume in the annual series Research in Human Resource Management. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. 

38. Tedder, R., Wysong, S., Stodnick, M. & Saad, S. (2023). “GG (Good Game): How Do Video Gamer Perceptions of Hardware Performance and Isomorphism Influence Consumer Engagement?” Presented at ICMEF in Copenhagen, Denmark. 

39.  Trotter, R., Wetzel, M., Whittington, J.L., & Murray, B. (2023). Fear-Based Followership, the Bully Leader, and a Climate of Fear: A social constructionist perspective. Presented at Western Academy of Management Conference.

40. Tsai C., Estrada S., & Fulmore, J. A. (2023). Rasch analysis on reliability and fit statistics of a self-efficacy measure with different rating categories. Presented at American Educational Research Association. 

41. Wang, J., Trotter, R., & Dilla, B. (2023). What Drives Accounting Employees' High Turnover Post COVID? Presented at Southwest Academy of Management Conference.

42. Wetzel, M., Trotter, R., Whittington, J.L., Murray, B. “Toxic Workplace Relationships: Understanding the Social Construction that Allows Toxicity to Thrive,” Presented at Southern Management Association.

43. Whittington, J.L. 2023. Reframing Work as Worship & Witness: A Biblical Perspective, in Faith & Work: Christian Perspectives, Volume 2, Tim Ewest, (Editor), pp. 15-30. 

44. Yao, W., Deek, F., Murimi, R., and Wang, G. (2023). SoK: A Taxonomy for Critical Analysis of Consensus Mechanisms in Consortium Blockchain. IEEE Access.