Kevin Kambo, PhD

Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Phone: (972) 721-5166
Office: Braniff Graduate Building #328
Office Hours: MW 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. or by Appointment
Dr. Kevin Kambo specialises in classical Greek philosophy, particularly Platonic moral psychology. He also has scholarly interest in philosophy of technology, philosophy of literature and liberal education. He is a partisan of the original Star Wars trilogy, P. G. Wodehouse, and receiving postcards--not necessarily in that order.
M.A., Philosophy, The Catholic University of America
B.S., Chemistry, Stanford University
Articles & Book Chapters
"Cephalus: A Quotidian Case for Chastity in Republic I," in Sexual Ethics in a Secular Age: Is There Still a Virtue of Chastity? edited by Eric J. Silverman. New York: Routledge, 2021.
"Theories of Divine Punishment in Augustine's De Civitate Dei," Studia Patristica vol. CXVII, 61-76 (2021).
"Socratic Rhetoric: Elenchus, Myth and Self-Disclosure in Platos Gorgias," Acta Philosophica 31:1, 97-118 (2022).
"Platonic Tripartition and the Peoples of Middle-Earth," Thersites, vol. 22, 90-122 (2022).
"Platonic Psychology and Newmans Two Ideas of a Mind," Newman Studies Journal (under review).