Circulation Policy
Circulation Policies
Undergraduate students can check out most items for three weeks, graduate students for six weeks, and faculty for six months. See a more detailed list of loan periods here.
The Library is now FINE FREE for all circulating books, although some special collections, including all Reserve items, will still have fines.
Late Fees
Item Type | Fine Rate | Maximum Fine |
Hourly Reserves | $0.35 per hour per item | $50.00 per item |
Daily & Permanent Reserves | $1.00 per day per item | $50.00 per item |
Audio/Visual Materials | $2.00 per day per item | $30.00 per item |
Audio/Visual Equipment | $0.35 per hour per item | $50.00 per item |
Recalled Items | $2.00 per day per item | $50.00 per item |
Board Games | $1.00 per day per item | $50.00 per item |
Hammocks | $0.35 per hour per item | $50.00 per item |
White Board Markers | $0.35 per hour per item | $50.00 per item |
Items that are lost have replacement fees.
Replacement Fees
Item Type | MINIMUM Lost Item Fee | Processing Fee | Total Lost Item Fees |
Books | $50.00/item or as quoted by Acquisitions | $10/item | $60/item or higher |
Audio/Visual | $100.00/item or as quoted by Acquisitions | $10/item | $110/item or higher |
*Price quotes on replacement materials are subject to change and are only good for 30 days. Please pay the quoted amount as soon as possible. Items not listed here are subject to individual pricing; contact Circulation for details. |
All library fines must be paid in full online or in person before the library will issue a clearance slip for students to take to Registrars/Business office. Lost Item Replacement costs seen in library accounts may not necessarily reflect the current replacement cost of the item(s). Please consult the Circulation Coordinator for exact replacement costs, circulation@udallas.edu or 972-721-5329.
Some items in the library will still accrue fines. These include any reserve materials (including the permanent reserve materials on Dante and Milton), books in the McNaughton collection, audio/visual materials, and interlibrary loan items.
Books thirty days overdue will be assumed lost, billed for their replacement with a processing fee, and a hold will be placed on the user's library account and with the Registrar. Upon return of overdue books, bills and holds will be removed.
Upon a student's withdrawal from the university, charged items will be assumed lost, billed for their replacement with a processing fee, and a hold will be placed on the student's account with the Registrar. Upon return of overdue books, bills and holds will be removed. No refunds will be issued for paid for lost books and processing fees. All payments will be considered final.
Fines (with the exception of replacement cost quotes) can be paid online by visiting the library's home page and locating "Pay Your Fine" under the drop-down menu entitled "Services."
Failure to pay can result in a registration or diploma block and can prevent students from going to Rome.
University of Dallas students, faculty, staff, administration, and guests in good standing with the university are eligible to check out library materials. Members of the UD retirement system are eligible for the same level of privileges as when employed. Privileges expire annually, except for emeritus faculty (which do not expire). A current University of Dallas ID, Guest Card, or TexShare Card must be presented to check out materials. Library patrons are responsible for checking the receipt given at check out and can manage their library account on the website. Due dates listed on the receipt are binding and are the sole responsibility of the patron. Library patrons with unpaid fines or book replacement fees will not be allowed to check out materials. Existing patrons may obtain or change their pin by calling 972-721-5329 or emailing circulation@udallas.edu.
Library patrons are also responsible for checking their library records on a regular basis. The library sends out overdue notices as a courtesy. Notices are sent by email automatically. It is the patron's responsibility to notify the Circulation department of address or contact information changes. Failure to receive a courtesy notice does not absolve patrons from the responsibility of paying any book replacement fees, renewing items, or returning items to the library in a timely manner.
Circulating materials may be checked out to undergraduate patrons for three weeks. Materials may be renewed for an additional three weeks if they are not on hold for another patron. Renewal of books may be done in the library, online through the library's web page, or over the telephone by calling the Circulation desk at 972-721-5329.
Materials may be recalled at any time necessary. Fines of $2.00 daily will be added if the recalled item is not returned immediately.
Certain materials are placed on reserve at the request of a professor. These materials may be borrowed for two days, three days, three hours, or two hours, depending on the item. Three-hour reserve materials may be checked out overnight if the items are checked out less than three hours before closing. In such cases, the items will be due an hour after the library opens the next day. Two-hour reserve materials may not be checked out overnight. Fines for reserve materials are thirty-five cents (35 cents) per hour for hourly reserve materials and $1.00 per day for 2-or-3-day reserve items.
Videos are checked out for three days and can be renewed twice. Fines for videos are two dollars ($2.00) a day. Lost charges for any audio/visual materials are one hundred dollars ($100.00) plus a ten dollar ($10.00) processing fee.
Students may check out up to thirty (30) books, three (3) videos, and three (3) CDs at a time. Guests may borrow five (5) items simultaneously.
The minimum fee for a lost book is sixty dollars ($60.00). If the book is out of print or costs more than fifty dollars ($50.00), the fee will be the price of the book plus a ten dollar ($10.00) processing fee.
As a library patron, you are responsible for any material that you check out from the University of Dallas Library as well as from any library that you borrow from under our auspices, including interlibrary loans and items checked out through TexShare. This responsibility includes fines and book replacement fees.
Contestations regarding fines or book replacement fees must be addressed by written petition to the Circulation Committee via the Appeal form (see below). All decisions of the Circulation Committee are final.
The TexShare Card provides you with borrowing privileges at over 500 participating libraries in Texas. A TexShare card can be provided at the Circulation desk to graduate students, faculty, and staff who are in good standing with the library. Cards are given to faculty for one year, and graduate students, adjuncts, and staff for one semester.
As a library patron, you are responsible for any material that you check out from the University of Dallas Library as well as from any library that you borrow from under our auspices, including interlibrary loans and items checked our through the TexShare Program. This responsibility includes fines and book replacement fees. Any item overdue for more than 30 days will have its status changed to “Lost." This will result in a hold on the borrower’s account until the item is returned or replacement costs are paid in full (the issuing institution will receive this bill).
The Library allows snacks and covered drinks inside.
Meals must be eaten outside of the Library. Meals include, but are not limited to, hamburgers, cafeteria trays with food on them, bowls of pasta, soup, burritos, and more. Food may not be delivered to the Library. The Library reserves the right to ask you to leave to finish your food, to clean up after yourself, or to put it away.
If library materials are returned with writing or other damage, the patron returning the item may be charged for repair or replacement (see Fees section). Any damage to library materials or missing pieces should be reported to the Circulation Desk as soon as it is noticed, preferably before or at the time of checkout. Cost of repair or replacement depends on the type and/or amount of damage to the item or the cost of the missing parts replacement.
As a reminder, the Student Handbook VIII.d includes writing in library books as against the student code of conduct: "Damage to or destruction of university property or property belonging to others, including vandalism, graffiti, and the defacing of University or others’ property, including handwriting and marking in library books."
Our Permanent Reserve Collection is made up primarily of texts and research on Dante's Divine Comedy and Milton's Paradise Lost. It also includes some texts and research on Chaucer.
These items can be found on the 3rd floor of the Library, and are available for checkout for 2 days, with 3 renewals. They cannot be placed on hold. These items will accrue fines if they are turned in late ($1.00/day).
Core Text items may be checked out for one academic semester to undergraduate students. They are not renewable for a second semester.
Core Text items do not have overdue fines, but they will be assumed lost if not returned by the last day of finals.
Patrons will not be able to place holds on Core Text items or informally request that they be set aside; they are available solely on a first-come, first-serve basis.
As with any other item in our collection, writing in Core Text books is considered defacement of library property. Patrons may be charged for replacement if a Core Text item is damaged or lost.
To view the Core Text collection in the online catalog, click here.