Guest Use Policy
Cowan-Blakley Memorial Library Guest Use Policy
The University of Dallas is a private, Catholic, co-educational, liberal arts university. As a courtesy and public service, the Cowan-Blakley Memorial Library welcomes guests into the library Monday - Friday from 8 am - 5 pm. Entry into the library is not permitted to guests evenings and weekends. Guests are expected to abide by the following rules.
- We do not require an ID to enter the library Monday - Friday from 8 am - 5 pm. However, identification must be provided if requested by library faculty, staff, or the University of Dallas Police.
- Minors, other than those affiliated with the University of Dallas, are not permitted in the library without an accompanying adult.
- There are public access computers on the main floor of the library. These computers are shared with UD-affiliated students and faculty. During times of heavy use, students will receive top priority, which may delay use by public patrons.
- Printing is $0.10 per page. The only forms of payment are cash and check. To print, you will need to email your document to reference@udallas.edu and request them to print it for you.
- A book scanner is available for use for library materials and other documents. Saving and emailing scanned materials is available free of charge. Materials printed are $0.10 per page. Public patrons may use this scanner for no more than 30 minutes per day.
- The primary mission of the Cowan-Blakley Memorial Library is to support the students, faculty, and staff of the University of Dallas. Librarians are happy to help public patrons with basic research questions. Extensive reference assistance will not be available to public patrons.
- First and foremost, the library is a place for collaboration and study for University students, faculty, and staff. Loud conversations or phone calls should be taken into the foyer.
- It is expected that all library faculty and staff, student workers, and other library patrons be treated courteously and respectfully.
The Cowan-Blakley Memorial Library reserves the right to refuse service to any public patron who does not abide by this policy. This can include a temporary or permanent ban from the library and/or the University of Dallas campus.
TexShare Borrowing Policy
Patrons who come to the Library with a TexShare card from another Library can check out books after an account has been created for them at the Circulation desk. For more information, see our Circulation Policies.